
Half Way There

It’s just past the half way mark and I’ve got… something. The basics of the game play are in place, although there are few features I’d like to add, and a lot of the graphics are in place.

You are the Monster

I managed some brain storming before I slept last night and I came up with a few ideas. Initially I was thinking of a taking a classic arcade game and switching the roles so the player took on the part of the bad guy from the game. Space Invaders where you’re the aliens or Pacman where you’re the ghosts. I’m not convinced the game play would be interesting enough for that.

Trollhammer Dilemma

Game play dilemma: I was going to have it so when Troll jumps and lands the camera shakes and the villagers pause for a second. This gives Troll the chance to catch everyone. This is very powerful so I was going to temper it by giving Troll a five second recovery period.

Ludum Dare 33 Theme

The theme has just been announced and it’s You are the Monster. I’ve seen that in the voting a few times before. There’s probably a tonne of takes on old games, but playing the bad guy, that could be done.